SimpleImage 3.0
1 min read
Back in 2011, I released the first version of SimpleImage for PHP — an open source project for working with images.
Today, version 3.0 has landed, and there's a lot to love about it.
Overview #
Here's how it works at a glance:
try {
// Create a new SimpleImage object
$image = new claviska\SimpleImage();
// Magic! ✨
->fromFile('image.jpg') // load image.png
->autoOrient() // adjust orientation based on exif data
->resize(320, 200) // resize to 320x200 pixels
->flip('x') // flip horizontally
->colorize('DarkBlue') // tint dark blue
->border('black', 10) // add a 10 pixel black border
->overlay('watermark.png', 'bottom right') // add a watermark image
->toFile('new-image.png', 'image/png') // convert to PNG and save a copy to new-image.png
->toScreen(); // output to the screen
// And much more! 💪
} catch(Exception $err) {
// Handle errors
echo $err->getMessage();
Requirements #
- PHP 5.6+
- GD extension
Features #
- Supports reading, writing, and converting GIF, JPEG, PNG, WEBP formats.
- Reads and writes files and data URIs.
- Manipulation: crop, resize, overlay/watermark, adding TTF text
- Drawing: arc, border, dot, ellipse, line, polygon, rectangle, rounded rectangle
- Filters: blur, brighten, colorize, contrast, darken, desaturate, edge detect, emboss, invert, pixelate, sepia, sketch
- Utility methods: color adjustment, darken/lighten color, exif data, height/width, mime type, orientation
- Color arguments can be passed in as any CSS color (e.g. `LightBlue`), a hex color, or an RGB(A) array.
- Support for alpha-transparency (GIF, PNG, WEBP)
- Chainable methods
- Uses exceptions
- Load with Composer or manually (just one file)
The readme has a list of changes from the 2.x version of SimpleImage.